Hello and happy Thursday! Another day in the Pro You neighborhood and Tom is still reflecting. With time still at his disposal, Tom is spending it at the beach and naturally reflecting. It's a different kind of reflecting; no worry, no angst, just pondering. With that comes clarity and a shift in one's perspective. Tom began doing things, not sure why as far as timing goes, but it was at the end of 2019 and there was a tangible shift mentally that Tom felt. He simply moved forward staying aware (and taking notes) of this shift. Tom then asked himself "Why do we do the things we do?" And thus, it became an episode of Tom's Pro You Podcast! Enjoy and as aways thanks for listening!
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*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*