
Pro You Podcast

What began as a fitness podcast slowly became host Tom J Deters' verbal journal. Through sharing his journey and all the aspects of his life that he's "gone through", get real world examples in each episode of how to shift your perspective to reflect, grow, improve and work on yourself to create the "best version of you".

Hosted by Tom J Deters and Produced by Niko Ketsilis.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

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Pro You Podcast











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Now displaying: 2022
Dec 29, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! The last episode of PYP for 2022 and Tom shares as he reflects on 2022. Tom shares the three things he finds most important and what he focused on in 2022 and into next year. Tom is thankful, consistently, and shares the power he feels from that practice; grateful for his successful clients and for his wonderful producer. Tom shares a deep heart to heart he had with a client and ends with the most important thing in his life, his relationship with Zen. Happy year end, enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Dec 1, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! On today's episode, which was ready before the last episode #nick presented itself, Tom shares quotes, client stories and a few moments that happened to Tom this past month. Tom has been taking notes for awhile and then he came across a video entitled 'Solutions or Comfort'. What it spoke on truly resonated with Tom, in more ways than one and hence became the title. That time of year is upon us and Tom sends out positive vibes to all the listeners hoping that they are managing their best to the best of their ability. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Nov 24, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom had an amazing conversation with an old client whom he hadn't heard from since 2019. His guest is Nick Dugan and when he agreed to let Tom record their chat, Tom got even more excited - too excited! The Zoom session timed out and when they continued their chat Tom forgot to press record. That being one of the technical difficulties, Tom had pretty much let go of the idea of posting their chat. Tom finally listened to the entire episode and decided the good stuff (what Nick shares) was there and, with a little explaining, Tom felt he could post and share their chat as an episode. During their chat, Nick says the line, "Not much to puff my chest out about" and that got Tom fired up. He hears it all too often from his clients; their struggle to see their good, their value, how far they've come, what they overcome. Thus, this is exactly what Tom loves to do - "Point out people's good" - and make them truly see it. Tom explains a lot in the intro and thanks you for your patience in listening. A big thank you to Nick for sharing his story and simply being him! Enjoy and, as always, thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Nov 3, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom is enjoying not following a specific schedule for release. When he feels he has something of value to share, he does. Today's episode is one Tom was really fired up on. The topic of Acceptance has been all Tom has been speaking about (mainly with Mosier) the last two weeks. The recording was interrupted due to a technical issue which made Tom "Accept" the fact he wasn't going to be able to record when he had planned. The next moment was up to Tom and the point of this episode; Acceptance. Tom gets detailed with what he means by acceptance (of what you can control) and not an excuse to give up/in. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Oct 20, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! What Tom has been highly aware of is that he is consistently observing himself in the world; which has been quite pleasant as of late. But it seems to continue to get better. A certain negative feeling has been absent for awhile now, and Tom has been aware and incredibly thankful. In a nutshell, that is exactly what Tom wants for his clients and his listeners - to be aware of themselves and then be grateful that they are on that path. The path of personal growth. If anyone needs to chat, wants to share something, or is interested in online training with Tom, please feel free to contact him. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Oct 6, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! It's been a minute since the last episode and Tom had a moment of clarity on why that is. Stopping, pausing, and reflecting are the beginning steps of evolving. Once you've discovered that - it is actually way easier to live a certain way; choosing your thoughts and responses and remaining grateful. But the pinnacles of high level thinking involve being present and remaining highly aware. Those two will never change in importance. Come to his well and buy the water he sells has never been more true. Talking the talk and walking the walk, sharing all along the way. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Sep 8, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! On today's episode Tom shares a bit of an epiphany he experienced. Tom reflected on the amount of quiet and peace in his life and came to the conclusion that it was not by accident he ended up being this version of himself and having the experiences that he is having. Tom shares a few quotes, a wonderful client story and some special moments that stood out for Tom these past couple of weeks. Tom is truly enjoying his experience and that is the water he is selling from his well on today's episode. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Aug 25, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! Today's episode is 'unique' - what an example of staying positive! Tom had to laugh at the distractions and interruptions that made this episode a bit of a challenge. But with the same Pro You list Tom uses each and everyday, Tom was able to persevere which is a very crucial step. Tom shares one of the best personal growth stories ever, in his opinion. A line Tom got from his good friend was "Can you see the gift in everything" and it never left Tom's mind. Well it was put to the test in a very extreme way and it was nothing but Pro You goodness! So in lieu of the lack of flow in this episode, what Tom was able to share is all the proof one would need to begin their journey of deeming themselves worthy. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Aug 11, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! Peace has been a favorite word of Tom's for a long time. After some personal growth and another power talk with his good friend, the word baseline became a powerful word along Tom's Pro You journey. Tom highlights some bits from a podcast he listened to and from the book he is currently reading. Tom shares a very quiet personal moment that truly affected him and some wonderful client stories. The line that affected Tom so much was "Acceptance doesn't mean happiness, it means peace". Thank you, thank you and thank you to all of the listeners and please feel free to reach out to Tom with any questions, comments or if you're interested in becoming part of the Pro You team. Tom is truly grateful for each and every one of you. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Jul 28, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! On today's episode Tom shares a quote he stumbled upon about Self Actualizers that led him to an article on the nine characteristics of Self Actualizers that he shares as well. To say he was in his head would've been a bad thing in the past but Tom spent a weekend in his head and it was a good thing; a choice. The title... that's just Tom's new goal which he explains in detail. Some personal stuff Tom has been going through and reflecting on he shares as well. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Jul 14, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! On today's episode Tom shares a little; a podcast he really enjoyed and an article sent to him by a client. As a new podcast listener, Tom is now listening to four different ones and truly enjoying the experience. Not seeking, but receiving, confirmation along his journey is one of Tom's most favorite things. Tom rarely shares things he doesn't like but he does today - with a lesson attached! The simple things are not always so simple because we get in our ways. To have experienced 'simple' is a huge bread crumb along Tom's Pro You path. It's all about doing small things everyday, which is no small thing! Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Jun 23, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! Getting comfortable with discomfort is something Tom is very familiar with, he used to shout it out while teaching his kick box cardio class. The only difference now is that the true value lies in challenging oneself mentally. If there's one thing Tom disliked almost as much as the dentist, it is the cold. So when you hear what Tom did - more than once and without any critique or judgement - you'll understand his message. Simply proving the value in embracing discomfort. Tom also shares a wonderful email from his producer and some podcast reflection. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Jun 16, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom rewatched the movie and as one changes so does one's experience, even watching an old movie. Tom thoroughly enjoyed his experience rewatching the film; which he shares. Tom shares a moment he had prior to recording this episode which made him ask himself why, which he also answers on today's episode. Tom shares the latest on his reading and podcast listening. Lastly, Tom speaks on the importance of not critiquing or judging oneself and how that plays an important role in the pursuit of a better you. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Jun 2, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! Today's episode title comes from a quote that Tom has been reflecting on lately. Tom shares the last quotes on his phone that he didn't post to social media and then goes over his #proyou daily habits. Tom also shares his recent epiphany concerning PYP and he ends with a few poignant client stories. Enjoy, and as always thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

May 19, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom was pretty stoked to share what's been going on lately along his Pro You path. Tom begins by sharing some excerpts from the book he is reading. Tom shares some Zen news and a big announcement dealing with social media. All that is going on is exactly why Tom is excited to share his observations and experience. And the Canadian Assassin does a huge favor for PYP! Enjoy and as always, thanks for listening!

Take a deep breath slowly in through your nose. Hold it. Release that breath slowly out of your mouth. What's one thing you are grateful for? The Pro You Podcast is grateful you are here - taking the first step on your path to deeming yourself worthy. Worthy of being the best version of yourself you can possibly be.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

Apr 28, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! During a conversation with a client, Tom mentioned he feels like he's in school; but he likes it this time! The reason is that Tom is learning about himself - which we should all be doing! Tom's belief is that when you raise your vibration, you attract things of that same frequency. So you are attracting exactly what you need to evolve and become the best version of yourself. Tom shares some of those things that are affecting his walk. Tom ends the episode with a short story and a lesson. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Apr 14, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! If Tom had only one message to leave everyone with, it would be to be thankful. A little deeper dig, be thankful in all circumstances. How is that possible/accomplished? No worries - Tom covers it and it ties in exactly with his message. The same message he began this podcast with. Tom then goes on to share a moment of awareness he experienced and two beautiful examples of unconditional love. And ending with a little poetry and Tom's blood pressure story. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Apr 7, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! It's official, Tom Likes himself some Tom! Or another way of saying it is that Tom is finding peace with what is. For Tom to actually verbalize that thought during a conversation and then turning into almost a new motto is another example of the things that truly move Tom these days. Turning fifty-seven was just another Friday and Tom loved that feeling. He's not pretending to feel anything nor choose anything. It's all about Pro You choices and deeming himself worthy - sound familiar? Tom chats about a couple current events and how he is trying to stay as close as he can to sharing what he does versus telling anyone what to do. Lastly, Tom was moved by this episode title. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Mar 24, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! The three consecutive podcasts that stick in Tom's mind are the episodes for Zen's, PYP's and Tom's Birthdays. This year it was Seven; Zen, then PYP and now Tom. It's actually Tom's birthday on Friday the 25th. Tom has been reflecting on what it's like for him turning fifty-seven, being alive for 20,819 hours. Ever since 2020 when the birthday's were all five's Tom truly has not stopped growing, improving and becoming more and more grateful each and everyday. It was pretty easy for Tom to share some wonderful client highlight stories and then share how great it feels to be turning fifty-seven. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Mar 10, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! Pro You Podcast by tjd has definitely helped heal Tom. He has stated this numerous times. But it still continues to help Tom by simply getting things out of his head; first onto paper and then spoken to you, the listeners. The net result is whatever Tom shares is now out of his head - space created! That space is then filled with the good that lies within Tom as it does with each and everyone of us. Another amazing chat with Scott (where the title came from) and Tom shares some quotes, an article on imagery and some wonderful client stories as well. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Mar 3, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! After a double Thursday break, Tom was super stoked to record this episode and reflect on what PYP and beginning it seven years ago means to him. But that isn't even the big news... "Tom slayed his only Dragon"! If you listened to Tom share at all - you must have heard him mention the dental drama he has been through the last eight years and the 'ptsd' he still feels. Well at least until now. It has been a good time to be Tom and it remains very true. Tom's vow is to continue to do exactly what he's doing, hopefully ensuring he will continue to receive that which he is receiving. To Niko and all the listeners of PYP THANK YOU THANK YOU and THANK YOU. Enjoy and as always thank you for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Feb 10, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom mentioned, in a previous episode, that he and Zen found a nearby waterfall. The effect that discovery has had on Tom, his perspective and life has been rather large. So much so that during a client session the words "Find your waterfall" just came out and in that moment it hit Tom; all his choices, effort, time and deeming himself worthy had manifested a very special place for him and Zen. Tom also shares a very familiar, yet quite a trippy moment. It involves Zen, so Tom was very aware, very present and once again, very, very grateful. Tom is walking the earth, having experiences due to deeming himself worthy and then sharing those experiences with you - the listeners! Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jan 27, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! On today's episode of Pro You Podcast Tom dedicates it to a wonderful human and monk Thich Nhat Hanh. Tom has quoted him a numerous amount of times in the past and in Tom's mind Thich lived his life truthfully and honestly with the intention of helping others - nothing more respected to Tom. Then Tom shares a truly big moment. Here it is only January and Tom makes a discovery that, to him, changed his life. It resonated with so many items on a list of why Tom is the best version and why he is so thankful that the timing was... huge. Lastly, 'Creek Shoes' - who knew?!?! Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jan 20, 2022

Hello and happy Thursday! On today's episode Tom shares a word/phrase that he has been using lately with his clients which ended up as the title as well - "Reframing your reality". Marianne Williamson has a quote Tom loves, "We truly only suffer when our minds argue with our reality'. This could not be more true, in Tom's opinion. Shifting one's perspective (to one's good/blessings in life) is a word/phrase Tom has used a lot in the past. Recently he heard the 'framing your reality' phrase and it stuck. What struck Tom is exactly what he's sharing today as well as an article from Boodha Groove and as always some notes. Lastly, why Tom didn't work out the past two weeks and why was Tom kool with that? Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jan 6, 2022

Hello, happy Thursday and Happy New Year! Time just keeps moving forward - doesn't it? So, how are we doing PYP listeners?!?! Are you getting better at being you and handling your reality as is to your best ability? If so, congrats! If not, just keep working on you, "little things done consistently" and deeming yourself worthy. That is what Tom preaches and what Tom has done consistently to get to the version he is today. There were notes from 2021 that Tom didn't get to chat about last episode so in a way it's a continuation of reflecting on 2021. Lastly, Tom wanted to share what moved him the most, affected him the most and what he was most thankful for. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*