Description: TMZ on today's PYP - wait, what? Yup Tom has two friends & past clients of his, Rick Mitchell & Chris Reed from TMZ stop by the ol' Pro You Podcast on today's episode. Tom first met Rick when he did stand up for Tom's bday party in his living room a long time ago. He then met somewhat of an idol; Chris played "Pete" in Tom's favorite movie "Rudy" & Tom got to train him & his two sons. They all shot a short together for Funny or Die in 2011 as well. Just good moments & memories with two very funny, crazy talented guys & they're sharing it all - Enjoy & thank you for listening! #hugz
One of the most genuine people Tom has met is today's guest on Pro You Podcast. She is a trainer at UB as well & she wonderfully & very comfortably (Tom was impressed!) shares her delightful story with one of the best little twist/test Tom has heard in a while. Join Tom & the very free spirited red-headed little Irish trainer girl Anne Nichols as she shares her story on Pro You Podcast - Enjoy & thank you for listening!
On today's episode of Pro You Podcast the wonderful & delightful Ms Deanna Rooney joins Tom for a sit down & chat. Tom met Deanna through her husband Jonah & Tom has always held them both & their marriage in kind regard. Jonah had mentioned to Tom how Pro You Deanna had been. Thus, Tom needed her on the pod & here she is - Enjoy! Thank you for listening! #hugz
In lieu of recent incidents i.e. Prince and Patton Oswalt's wife, writer Michelle McNamara, Tom was inspired to share on today's episode of Pro You Podcast. Tom has always said "One builds armor when they go through a challenge, life test, a 'battle'. One's responsibility is to then use that armor in the next inevitable battle." This is what motivated today's episode 'Grow Through What You Go Through' from Tom; he feels everyone is going through something and at times we are all going through the same exact thing. Enjoy & thank you for listening!
On today's episode of Pro You Podcast the 'boyz of the Round Table' pick up right where they left off in Part 1. Answering questions, sharing & enjoying each other & why this episode was one of Tom's favorite. #checkoutepisodephoto Enjoy & thank you for listening!
If the third one is the charm this holds true for the boyz of Pro You Podcast's Round Table. Tom's said this was his favorite Round Table thus far. He is so very thankful & appreciative of Marcus & Thomas; their kindness, generosity, vibe, experience, friendship & how appreciative 'they' are - real stand up guys. Tom knows this trio will only get stronger, as it did in today's episode. It went so kool Tom split it into Part I & II. A BIG thank you & shout out to Marcus & Thomas from Tom, thank you for the listener questions & as always, for just being YOU & listening - Enjoy!
On today's episode of Pro You Podcast Tom interrupts his own scheduled podcast to do another solo podcast. He openly admits his 'fears/doubts' lie along this path as well as his 'inner voice' hinting to follow - so consistently walking the walk he is doing that which he believes is Pro You; unfamiliar & a little uncomfortable as well. But why does he do what he does, why has he always... he feels he is supposed to do exactly what he's doing. Doing in lieu of 'white-noise' is the test. By doing this his hope is to give other's permission to try that 'thing' along their path. Enjoy & thanks for listening!
On today's episode of Pro You Podcast Tom finally caught up with his good friend, brother from another mother (almost identical twins - lol!) & owner of Ultrabody Fitness Tony Wisniewski. Tony's story is one Tom enjoyed simply because Tom enjoys Tony, his friendship, his gym & mostly how he operates his life & searches for balance #zen - Enjoy & thank you for listening!
A wonderful man & today's special guest John Matta was referred to Pro You Podcast by a wonderful past guest on the podcast, Crystal Rose Angel. She sent her good friend 'Matta' to see Tom & share his amazingly beautiful, personal story of making Pro You decisions while one is 'in it'. A big thank you to crystal & to John - enjoy & thank you for listening!
On today's episode of Pro You Podcast Tom walks the walk; he goes a little off format, a little unfamiliar & does what he does everyday, just with a 'client' - a live audience, he just shares. Sir Hardwick told Tom in the beginning "like a client, follow where they lead you" meaning where your listeners lead you. Tom was led here, now, & shares what's been on his heart, with the ones he cares about the most & is doing this podcast for... YOU. Enjoy & thank you for listening!
You ever wonder how one becomes a Strongman competitor? You've seen them on tv, "World's Strongman" competition, huge dudes lifting Stones & pulling semi's - well one of the best in the world right now is Pro You Podcast Ep #54 special guest, Martins Licis. Martins is a trainer at the gym where Tom trains his clients, he knew Martins but had no idea what Martins had all accomplished in the sport nor what he was about to. Tom saw a clip of Martins on IG Mas Wrestling & didn't know what it was (another strongman sport) & just this past weekend Martins won the 2016 Arnold World Maswrestling Championship. His story & what he has achieved is one of the greatest stories Tom has ever heard on the podcast. Enjoy & thank you for listening!
A long time friend, acting buddy & just a really stand up guy in Tom's life, Tyler Nimmons is today's guest on Pro You Podcast. Tyler & Tom met in an acting class a long time ago & have since worked on a couple movie projects, grappled & have stayed true friends. It was great for Tom to see & catch up with Tyler (whom has recently become a father for the 2nd time) as he shares his story & how life has changed becoming a father & a husband. Enjoy & thank you for listening!
The most wonderful 'lady of the inter-web', the kindest, most generous, talented, animal/people loving Mom & human... The One & Only Miss Sharon Hills (Chris's Mom - if anyone doesn't know) sits down at @Midnight's Studio where Sir Hardwick records The Nerdist (due to Sharon going to the taping right after the podcast) with Tom for this One Year Anniversary Special. It was special recording there, very special to have Sharon on & overall this year, this podcast & this episode could not have been more of a blessing to Tom. Thank you to Sharon for being amazing & wonderful all the time to everyone, to Chris for being HIMSELF for 11 years & the opportunity for the podcast & to YOU...
The ones Tom loves the most. Thank you, thank you & thank you for listening, supporting, sharing & allowing Tom to do what he does. Enjoy!
On today's episode of Pro You Podcast Chris, Tom (& of course Zen) finish up there chat in part 2 of Chris's visit with his long time trainer, friend & host of PYP - sit back, listen & enjoy (like Zen did!) & Thank you for listening for the past year - very appreciated!
When Tom's good friend & client Daniel Quantz was on PYP it was very well received mainly due to how many people/podcast listeners knew/of him but did not know what he shared on PYP. One email made Tom cry (not that hard to do!) but it impacted Tom so much that he gathered all those involved, asked for permission, asked Daniel to come over without knowing the reason & decided to share the 'moment' with you; the ones Tom cares about the most!
Enjoy & thank you for 1 year of listening, supporting & for the opportunity for Tom to do what he does! #thankyou #hugz #humbled
Tom is pretty sure he is not the only one who has looked forward to Sir Hardwick being on the podcast & that day has come on episode #50 (Part 1) - a great achievement that Tom is proud of & very grateful for the opportunity to spend this episode with Chris. Chris & Tom have been training together going on 11 years. Tom has grown consistently in his love, respect & pride in who Chris is & who he became & will be forever grateful for their friendship & this opportunity. Thank you EVERYONE for listening, truly & big THANK YOU Chris - ENJOY!
The second installment of the Round Table format here on Pro You Podcast with two of Tom's favorite trainer & boyz; Marcus pierce & Thomas Meek. Once again these amazing spirits share their time, energy & experience with us all as the Round Table guys answer listener questions - Enjoy & Thank you for listening!
A wonderful man has inspired Tom as a client and a person making Pro You decisions better than most, his name... Daniel Quantz. And he is today's special guest on Pro You Podcast. He has been training with Tom for around 6 months and he has dramatically improved in and outside of the gym.
A wonderful moment happens when a regular Pro You Podcast member of the Round Table Gang, Thomas Meek, nominates one of his long time friends & clients Scott Sedita, to be on Pro You Podcast. Scott is one of the top Acting Teachers in Los Angeles. His success, kindness & Pro You determination is only second to his wonderful story that he so graciously shared on today's episode - Enjoy & as always Thank You for listening!
On today's episode of Pro You Podcast Tom sits down with his (& a few of his client's) chiropractor 'Dr. Ron' & you'll find out all about his name, his story & why Tom & his clients are such huge fans of his. Listen as Dr. Ron shares his amazing story & advice that will change your life, for real! Enjoy and as always, thank you for listening!
Happy New Year Pro You People! On the 1st episode of 2016, a guest that Tom was very impressed with, stoked to have met and had on the podcast and is now going to start training Aaron Bleyaert (from The Conan O'Brien Show)! Hear his story and amazing perspective on today's episode of Pro You Podcast - Enjoy & thank you for listening!
On today's episode of Pro You Podcast Tom is joined by his long time friend & super star, the one & only Amy Beecroft. Amy took Tom's class, then trained with him all before she started taking over the world (& doing it rather well!) So listen & find out how to have success, balance, celebrate & do it well - Enjoy & thanks for listening!
One of Tom's favorite people & clients in the world, Scott Mosier, is his guest on this episode of Pro You Podcast. Tom has been training Scott for 2 years & Tom has truly enjoyed his time shared with Scott, training him & being around a true Master at his craft (& he has more than one) Enjoy & thank you for listening!
The host of Pro You Podcast was prompted by a few listeners to share his story. So without much description needed, here is Tom & his story. Enjoy & thank you for listening!
Hello & welcome to Part 2 of Pro You Podcast with the amazingly funny, quick witted, beautiful, "Tom met his Match" & dear friend of Tom's, Miss Crystal Rose Angel. Crystal & Tom finish their chat & funny just keeps on happening! Enjoy Crystal & Part II of her time with Tom on this week's episode of Pro You Podcast & as always thank you for listening!