Hello and happy Thursday! Tom has spoken many times about the good one receives post following a path of Pro You choices. Tom's line is, "Becoming pro You means you being a better you, a better version, making it easier to be YOU and your life as is, is better." Who would not want that - right? Tom shares client success stories and how Tom is filled with "Purple" due to the fact that Tom is part of their journey, part of their success and thus, part of their joy is Tom's as well. Tom is ever so thankful he gets to do what he does and has moments like this to share to those he cares about the most - YOU the listener! Thank you, thank you and thank you from Tom for being one of those listeners. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!
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*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*