
Pro You Podcast

What began as a fitness podcast slowly became host Tom J Deters' verbal journal. Through sharing his journey and all the aspects of his life that he's "gone through", get real world examples in each episode of how to shift your perspective to reflect, grow, improve and work on yourself to create the "best version of you".

Hosted by Tom J Deters and Produced by Niko Ketsilis.

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration! Or look through the extensive back catalogue of episodes at Pro You's Libsyn Directory!

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Pro You Podcast











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Now displaying: 2021
Dec 30, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! If anyone has asked how Tom was doing lately the answer would have been "Consistently Thankful". Tom spent time thinking about this reply, how it sounded and what he meant by it. Since it truly sums up Tom's journey and success it seemed very apropos for it to be the title of this episode. This is the last episode of 2021 but Tom will do a follow up to this episode with more of a reflection on 2021 with specifics. Tom has complete clarity on where he is and where he has been. For that, he is consistently thankful and not too overly concerned where he is headed, he's just focused on staying present, here and now. Enjoy and as always, thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Dec 16, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom was chatting with a client when he stated how he was simply 'observing and responding' - Tom quickly grabbed a sticky note! That separation is just enough to stay consistently aware of oneself. It is also the first time Tom went two weeks without recording a PYP episode - test passed! Tom is entering a third phase of PYP which is recording an episode when Tom has something to say. That is the only thing that will dictate when an episode comes out. All of this is part of Tom's effort to consistently pursue the best version of himself that he can. Lastly, Tom's client's success has been so very rewarding he shares how special this is to him. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Nov 25, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom covers a wide array of topics on today's episode: First the significance of this particular day/holiday to Tom, a Top-Ten list and Tom breaks down a tool he has always used with clients and never spoke about in detail before. It is not getting any easier out there so Tom is emphasizing the importance of choosing one's response and staying present. Quotes, Mosier notes and still more! If you need an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on - Tom is here and a direct message away! Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Nov 11, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom takes a very spontaneous trip that gives him a sense of control, power and freedom and a feeling that he was very aware of and enjoyed. Stating what Tom has stated over the course of his podcast, he is very mindful of the verbiage he uses; Tom says what he means and means what he says. Once again, come to Tom's well - buy the water he sells! *and it's free! Or not, completely up to you! Tom always ends his episode with 'deem yourself worthy' because that is truly the only motivation one needs. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Oct 28, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom is definitely the best he's ever been but he also realizes that doesn't mean no 'bad'. Tom came up with a quote while preparing for this episode - "Welcome to Life! *suffering included!" Which is very true so what becomes most valuable is how we see things and how we respond, even when there may not be easy (or any) answers. This is a tough time of year, so be kind and patient with yourself! *And if you need help, assistance, a cheerleader, an ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on - Tom is here! Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Oct 21, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! It's Tom, the Pro You guy, once again doing what he does - "Walks the earth and then shares his experience". Most of today's message came from one of the many amazing chats Tom has with a certain friend (& client) where today's title came from. A grand step along anyone's Pro You Path is that of patience (overall) but especially with yourself. Attaining and maintaining this ability is an omnipotent step that everyone must deem themselves worthy of. Enjoy and, as always, thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Oct 14, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom was wondering what to chat about on this episode and realized he had no notes from the week. Tom sat quietly for a moment and asked himself - why? Three or four why's later, Tom had his message and he was quite stoked about it! The final 'why' was answered with "Because I'm thankful" which inspired a brand new gratitude list. It did not take Tom long and he came up with a list of 50 - yes, 50 - things Tom is thankful for; that fill the space between his ears and why he is the best version he has ever been! A personal favorite and an episode Tom is quite proud of. Enjoy and as always, thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Oct 7, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! On today's episode Tom uncovers the meaning behind '420' for those that care. Tom shares an article and client news, as well as how his path (one of consistently asking himself why) is going. Tom has mentioned gratitude and its power since the beginning of PYP. Nothing has changed Tom's perspective on gratitude but it has become much stronger. Tom is consistently thankful for all the little things; what he has, what he doesn't, what he gets to experience and what he doesn't get to experience. It is, and shall ever remain, a superpower. Enjoy and thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Sep 30, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! When one looks at it, PYP has been a simple verbal documentation of Tom's personal growth. Staying true to that, being okay with how one feels is a huge one! Tom is highly aware how long and how challenging personal growth (& the work) is. But, the upside is even better - a better you walking the earth! If you could wake up and push a button that made you a better you and your life as is easier, would you push it - of course you would! Well that is exactly what deeming yourself worthy is and what being Pro You is all about. Tom is here, available, for anyone who wants/needs to talk. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Sep 23, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Did you miss PYP? Well, Tom (& Niko) took their first vacation from PYP and skipped last Thursday. First time in six and a half years. Tom did it just to remove the "I have to" every Thursday thingy. It was wonderfully empowering. Continuing with his current theme of asking 'why', Tom decided to share an updated version (He previously did an episode early on called 'My Story' where he shared his) and continuation of his story. Asking "Why would someone listen to PYP? Why is this guy saying, doing what he's saying and doing?" Hopefully some of those questions are answered. Either way, Tom feels proud that he is the version he is and that what he is sharing now along his Pro You path is something he never thought he would achieve nor experience. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Sep 9, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! "Be like water": A very popular phrase that Tom did not create. Water has been a symbol for wellness, for life, for cleansing and for fluidity. Tom was referred to a podcast and water and it's symbolism were discussed and Tom took notes! That's the good news but Tom begins this episode with how and why he recently stepped in the mud, not realizing how deep it actually was and thus, how long it lasted.

Still flawed. Still imperfect. Still moving forward. Still the best Tom has ever been. Thus, Tom is still very thankful. Everyday, more and more. It is and has been his super power. Enjoy and as always, thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Sep 2, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! This episode took a little doing. Some technical difficulties made this episode quite the challenge. But alas, Tom won with help from his Canadian Assassin and a new Microphone cable! PYP be good to go! So his episode takes off from where the last "Asking Why" left off - Tom still reflecting and listening to his higher self (thank you Madeline!) and above that Tom is being okay with exactly what he is doing and working on and fending off any impulses to do more. Hence, listening to his higher self. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Aug 26, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! This is a pretty big episode for Tom because what he experienced was pretty big. It started out as a simple 'no' and choosing not to go to the beach. What led from there was quite a shock and yet Tom fully embraced all of it. It was as if Tom was being guided by a future Tom/a better version. Tom credits being open and present and then having the ability to trust his gut. Tom's world was small, it moved slowly, prior to this moment - but it slowed even more. It was so tangible Tom could feel it. A very unique experience along Tom's Pro You path he is very proud to share. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Aug 19, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom has always had moments where he was experiencing a specific theme with different clients at different times. Tom has repetitively mentioned: being present, being thankful and being in the moment. All of those are Pro You when experienced, but as with everything Pro You, easier stated and much more difficult to apply. Long term goals are more difficult than shorter term goals. If one achieves multiple short term goals, inevitably they are on their way to achieving any long term goal. That perspective added to being present made Tom realize that 'Today' is truly all any of us have and that is where our time, energy and focus should go. When applied there is a true sense of power; controlling what one can while they can. With no thought, time or energy going to tomorrow or yesterday. Enjoy, and as always, thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Aug 12, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom fell into a wormhole. Not a bad emotional/mental wormhole, but a home improvement project wormhole. Tom actually navigated that well, but he was not aware of what that experience did to him and before he knew it he was carrying weight that was not his to carry 'again' and he felt it! The positive is that Tom is highly aware that evolving involves embracing one's flaws and moving forward in lieu of those flaws/hurdles and the feelings they create momentarily. So for Tom, it's a win-win because he is still here, he 'gets to' and he is better everyday! If you need a helping hand, a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen , or just a consistent cheerleader in your life please message Tom! Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Aug 5, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom has been, and will always be, very repetitive in his words and actions - "if it's not broken"! The things that have truly affected Tom's journey, he shares and they seem to be pretty consistent; being thankful and being present. Tom has come up with somewhat of an equation that he has repeated many times. Tom has now shared these things with another stranger with the same outcome. Tom truly thinks it's so basic it could help anyone - it helped him! Lastly, Tom shares why he is so very thankful and it's not for what he has, it's for what he doesn't have, doesn't have to deal with or endure. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jul 29, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! It was not easy for Tom to use the title he used. Things can sound very different to different people depending upon where they are along their Pro You path. In the last two years, Tom began using the phrase, "I like me" and added, "It's not like I didn't like myself before, I just never thought about it." Well now Tom has evolved into saying, "I like being me" as in "Tom enjoys his life, his reality and the experiences/moments that he has along his Pro You path". Tom shares two very special moments that affected him deeply. Tom didn't mention it in his verbal intro to this episode but Tom reveals the only other person that sounds like Tom - which is quite a compliment coming from Tom. Lastly, there are more Trainer Challenges and quotes! It does not get much better than that - right?!?! #lol Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jul 22, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! On today's episode of PYP Tom talks climate and infrastructure - wait, what? Yup, you heard it correctly! Then, Tom shares two different Trainer Challenges to two of his clients - and it is all about deeming themselves worthy - heard that before?!?! A lot is going on in the world, so Tom hopes that your focus and intention are on your world - what you can control! Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jul 15, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom has stated many times that he feels his job is that of a 'mirror'. He simply shares what he sees when speaking to his clients. A mirror doesn't lie, doesn't show you a reflection due to a hidden agenda. So keeping it real, if you will, is what Tom experiences along with his clients and Tom adds that the key is getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Which is exactly what one finds along their Pro You journey of self-discovery. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jul 8, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Being true to yourself is something Tom has been doing and practicing for quite awhile. The moments of payback/reward for that effort is truly worth any effort! Tom shares his magical trip (another one) to Lake Tahoe. The moment Tom and Zen arrived the experience began with an amazing moment. One Tom will never forget. It is in being the 'Observer' in one's life that one gets to see with great clarity what is truly important and then decide where to place one's valuable time and energy. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jul 1, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Here we are with another episode of PYP where the host "Tom" shares what he has been sharing a lot lately; addressing your squeaky wheel. It is not fun, familiar, comfortable, quick or easy. And that is exactly why one MUST "deem themselves worthy" of the choosing to place their valuable time and energy into things/areas that serve them in the pursuit of becoming the best possible version of themselves. The people who do deem themselves worthy - like his clients - although it is unfamiliar and uncomfortable, Tom could not be happier or more proud of those that do! Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jun 24, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Another PYP episode, another beautiful artist and once again Tom's heart was full after chatting with James Brunt and his wonderful wife Caroline (who chatted with James and Tom for a bit). Tom knew of James because of his amazing art. But Tom didn't know much of anything else about James until this past March where Tom got to meet 'online' some of his favorite artists. It was during that event where Tom became even more impressed with James; his personality, his energy - everything! And then James touched Tom's heart in a very unexpected way - James spoke about fatherhood and it brought Tom to tears. James wasn't trying, James was just being James, but Tom felt all of James' beauty, all his love and Tom will forever be affected by his chat with James. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jun 17, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! On today's episode Tom shares what's been going on lately and how he had been using the word 'acceptance' a lot lately. Whatever tool works he'll use! Whatever tool works he'll share! A little reading, just enough quotes, client moments and a couple Mosier Notes as well - a very full episode! Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jun 10, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Another land artist on PYP today but not just any land artist - Tom's favorite! Jon Foreman aka "Sculpt the World" has been an artist Tom has truly come to admire, respect and, Tom admits, his work is truly affected by Jon's work. Which is the biggest compliment you can give someone, to Tom. Having the opportunity to chat, share, listen and learn about Tom's favorite artists has been nothing but a blessing. Tom's cup over floweth's! A huge thank you to Jon for his time and his amazing artistry! Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

Jun 3, 2021

Hello and happy Thursday! Tom has released two episodes with artists and he has two more recorded. He will release a 'solo-pod' in between the artists as he has done the previous two. Getting to chat with (and record forever!) some of his favorite artists has truly filled Tom's cup.

Tom has some more amazing client stories and as Tom has said, "It is a good time to be him and a good time to be a part of his tribe." Tom shares a couple articles about spiritual wellness and ends with the simple fact that every moment is a learning moment. A lesson we should all learn. Enjoy and as always thanks for listening!

Be sure to like Pro You on Facebook, follow along @ProYouPodcast on Twitter and Instagram and check out @tomjdeters on Instagram for daily inspiration!

*Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this, or any other exercise program, may result in injury. Any user of the exercise program assumes the risk of injury resulting from performing the exercise. You should always speak to your doctor before you change, start or stop any part of your healthcare plan, including physical activity or exercise.*

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